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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Now you know: Curious in Neighborhood 4

By Todd Kane

A new column that answers common and maybe not-so-common questions in and around Sun City!

Q. “My wife and I moved into Del Webb Sun City almost 7 years ago. We love the landscaping, the seasonal flowers and holiday lighting. We especially like the approach on Del Webb Blvd from Rt. 47, it’s magical. We often remark how it feels like we are entering Orlando’s Magic Kingdom. My question concerns the Gate House at that entrance. We have never seen it being used other than by an occasional Huntley police car sitting in the small parking area. What is the history of it? Is it ever used, or have uses for it been suggested?”

A. Dear Curious, I like your question inasmuch as it’s been on my mind, too. For the answers to your query, I went to FirstService Residential, our facilities management company. According to them, factual documentation has been lost over the years, however the oral history within the facilities group has been pretty consistent. When Del Webb was in the early development stage, the idea was that Sun City would be a so-called “gated community,” with restricted access, hence the need for an entrance guard station. It was soon realized that as a restricted access community, the association would be responsible for all costs stemming from road maintenance and snow removal. It didn’t take long to abandon the idea and instead turn to the Town of Huntley to handle those heavy expenses.

Twenty-plus years later, the structure still stands sentry over that entrance, a welcoming but unoccupied building. Discussions have been made regarding the removal of the building, but the expense of doing so is quite high. Instead, the building was gutted several years ago and plumbing was disconnected. Presently First Services does store some items in it, those that are not impacted by heat or cold.

To many of us passing by that building it’s our welcome home sign.

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