During the presidential campaign we often heard the charge that illegal immigrants are surging across our borders laden with bags of fentanyl. It sounds terrible and has created a stigma to help justify the plan to round up millions of immigrants and send them back to their former country.
According to the Cato institute, smuggling is a problem aggravated by the powerful nature of fentanyl allowing it to be easily hidden in a car as people cross the border. In the last 5 years, 2905 people have been caught smuggling drugs at a border crossing. Of those 80% were US citizens and only 15% were illegals. That is not the picture I’d have imagined from posts on the internet. To examine possible solutions to the problem, scholars tell us that reducing fentanyl use can better be achieved by educating our youth as to the long-term effects of its use. The AD COUNCIL further suggests that many low-income areas lack treatment facilities.
I’ve had enough… of politicians trying to create political chaos. Yes, fentanyl is a serious problem but let’s examine the facts. According to the Cato Institute, the president has been quoted as saying that from 250 to 300 thousand deaths a year have resulted from fentanyl overdoses. The President’s press secretary reported to the media that the death toll was actually tens of millions. The truth is, the actual number – was 110 thousand. No wonder people have become fearful after listening to a President who exaggerates the problem. Yes, we may have to reduce the immigrant population but please stop making up numbers. There are many good people in this group begging for a chance to exist in a better country.
Vivian Lenski
Sun City resident