We’ve heard enough from TR Kerth. We don’t need to hear his political opinions. They don’t belong in the Sun Day.
It’s interesting in slamming the President for criticizing Fake News he presents a shining example of it. The President does not generalize and say that all American journalists are “the enemy of the people”. He does not want “to muzzle the press and limit our right to free, fact based speech.” Our President encourages fact-based free speech.
Ed Slomski
Sub City resident
I have always enjoyed the Sun Day paper and it’s various articles and columnists. However, I am extremely disappointed in the recent edition, specifically TR Kerth’s column. He brought in politics to an otherwise non-political newspaper. He gave his view of the President, trashing him, all the time believing the press of the United States is not biased against the President. Any intelligent America can see that out current news outlets, whether it be newspapers or TV, is totally against the current administration and reports as such. Trump cannot do anything right, according to the news stories and TR Kerth agrees with that.
Due to his column and you letting it go to press, I am deeply saddened that your paper has allowed such anti-president trash to be published. I will from now on, put your paper directly in the recycle bin from my mailbox. I will miss some of your good articles, but I will not miss Kerth and his misleading and shameful bashing of our President.
Bob Ruckoldt
Sun City resident
Neighbors, this is in reply to the article regarding “THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.” The author just lost 51% of his readers! This publication is a neighbor paper. We enjoy reading about local news and happenings, we enjoying competing in sports, games, travel, etc., with our neighbors. We have so many veterans, first responders, teachers, etc., who have earned our paradise on earth (living in sun city, we do not need hateful political articles such as the above mentioned in our local paper, we all have a vote, and we will have another chance to vote again, so thank you for again waking up the silent majority. And thanks to the greatest generation, (our parents), for making this all possible, we are the luckiest people on earth that we live here in peace.