Someday, you or your heirs will probably be offering your home for sale. If YOU are doing the selling there are many reasons for doing so.
If your HEIRS are doing the selling the reason is obvious. According to data provided at the 2020 CAM Annual Meeting, the average age of Sun City Huntley residents is 74. Some younger and some older.
The average age of all of the village of Huntley residents is unknown and is likely to be many years less than 74 considering the number of young families residing in the Village.
Other than residents of Sun City Huntley, residents who are selling their homes have their own reasons to sell. Some of which are the same as Sun City‘s residents.
But what motivates a Sun City resident to consider selling?
For example: The need to move to assisted living or memory care; moving closer to family; the passing of a spouse or significant other; downsizing living space; financial pressures; a desire to just make a change. There many other reasons prompting the need to sell. Life goes on!
Information from the MLS [Multiple Listlng Service] reported that 2019 sales of Sun City homes totaled 316; 280 during 2018; 311 during 2017; 321 during 2016; 352 during 2015; and 281 during 2014. FSBO [For Sale By Owner] are not included in MLS listings.
Certainly, real estate agents would hope for more listings, but life circumstances for homeowners provide sales one at a time, as needed.
Whenever we travel down Del Webb Boulevard, Sun City Boulevard, Countryview Boulevard, or Hemmer we can all take comfort in being able to live in a beautiful and safe environment.
Thousands of Australians, evacuated from homes destroyed in the fire, ravaged landscapes and the loss of wildlife, have all lost the security we enjoy.
Enjoy Sun City … a real phenomena!
Jim Darow
A college professor told my class that having reached our level of math that we knew more math than 95% of the world population. He added that his knowledge exceeded 99.99%. His intention was motivational, but at the time I was praying that if God got me through that class, I would never take another one. Being a five-percenter was good enough for me.
Five percent may seem impressive but consider that five percent of 7.8 billion puts me on the low end of 390 million. Imagine my potential job interview. “Yes, you do have 390,000,000 people ahead of me from which to choose” vs. “You know, there are only 5% left if you don’t choose me.”
A lot of effort is made to frame comments designed to manipulate perception. I noticed a “NEW LOW PRICE” sign in a store once. I also noticed that the price was higher than the week before. When I questioned it, the retailer told me that it was indeed the “NEW” low price.
All of this runs through my head while listening to the impeachment debate and reading social media. People are made to look smart along some spectrum of smartness. The same framed information meant to stir a loyal following’s passion and gain market share is presented. One side flounders with shaky proof while the other awkwardly dances. Polls are cited as if they have meaning, but tomorrow all will be “NEW” and little or nothing will have changed.
Doug Jenks
Sun City resident