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Sun City in Huntley

Hang Your Hat: June 4, 2020

By My Sunday News

What is one of the most commonly heard phrases today?

It’s ”social distancing.” Unheard of before the virus. The phrase is a call for action. A means to avoid getting sick or not getting anyone else sick. It is a simple deterrent, but it wasn’t enough for more than 86,000 citizens who passed away as a result of the virus.

Beyond the phrases associated with the virus, questions have been raised about having the freedom to come and go as one pleases. To go work, to church, to restaurants, including what was classified as non-essential.

Which guidelines should we obey? Under which authority were the guideline issued? Was it the President, the governor, the mayor, the employer, the medical official, the sheriff ,the police chief, or the state supreme court?

Recently, Wisconsin’s Governor issued a guideline to continue the closing of various non essential gathering places. That action was followed by the Wisconsin Supreme Court which decreed by a 4-3 vote that that is unconstitutional. The ruling opposed the Governor’s guideline. That raises the question as to whose authority prevails? The Supreme Court of each state interprets the laws of that state.

It has been reported in the Kane County Chronicle that members of the Illinois Sheriff Association refuse to enforce governor Pritzker’s “stay at home“ guideline. No one, to date, has initiated a court case to determine authority.

At a much higher level, the Preamble of the United States Constitution promises:

A more Perfect union; Justice; Tranquility; Common defence; General Welfare; and secure Blessings of Liberty.

As it applies to the virus situation and its elimination the words GENERAL WELFARE in the Constitution provide a promise for our well-being.

We are the UNITED STATES. 50 states doing the right thing in each state And as a nation. We’re in this together.

Jim Darow
Sun City resident

“Our once great country?”

That’s the comment made to me in an anti-Semitic, foul language, hate letter I received.

It was in response…to my letter in Hang Your Hat, where I praised Governor Pritzker’s for his leadership. The letter had been clipped out of the paper and sent with a piece of stationary with a picture of the American flag.

The ugly, hateful words desecrated our flag with words that spewed hate. I can understand a disagreement with my opinion. That would have been the decent, American thing to do with our protected freedom of speech.

Maybe the letter writer is correct – since that was what was written – “our once great country.”

Geri Levine
Sun City resident

If you remember, my past neighbor and late PAUL HARVEY always said “THE WHOLE STORY,” well, this is the whole story…In the May 7, Volume 11 edition of the Sun Day, specifically to Page 7, in the “hangyourhat” section, Mr. Jim Darow, because of his apparent misunderstanding, was lecturing, if not chastises, the residence for the Kane and McHenry TAXES.

He forgot to tell the THE WHOLE STORY: In fact the McHenry & Kane county has extended the first installment from June 1 by 90 days and 30 days respectively, because of the COVID-19 effects; and because the Taxes went much higher, plus the very down trend of the financial markets, including a loss of income. In addition, he did not mention that these people must also pay their own taxes, plus additional dollars to make-up the deduction for those who property are frozen. This frozen deduction allows Mr. Darow, pay about $ 2,000 less for the property taxes.

Certainly, most people will pay the required taxes, without Mr. Darow’s lecturing, or baseless criticism.

Ron Ghilardi
Sun City Resident

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