On the morning of April 22, 2021, Shadow, the family dog of a Sun City resident, was struck by a hit and run motorist on Cold Spring Drive. The driver did not stop, to render aid or, to make an attempt to find the owner. Shadow was later euthanized and is sorely missed by its family. Of what concern should this be to us, other than the shared sadness of losing a household pet and loved member of a family? Here are a couple more to consider:
On March 6 2021, Robert T. reported: “I was riding on my Cattrike (a recumbent trike that is equipped with lights front and rear and with a warning flag on the back) and I was almost hit again from the rear. (Robert was rear-ended while slowing to stop at the stop sign at Sun City Blvd and Del Webb Blvd in June of 2020. He incurred six broken ribs.) I was traveling in the right-hand lane going toward Sun City Blvd on Del Webb Blvd. I was just passed Wildflower lake when this SUV came passing by and swerved just in time to miss me. I believe he was looking at the cars coming toward him as he was leaving the parking lot and didn’t look or see me.”
On April 16 2021, Anne N. posted the following on the Wildflower Lake Neighborhood Facebook page: “Today on my walk I was crossing Del Webb at Stonewater after looking and listening for traffic. I was almost to the center of the road when a pickup came up fast and blared his horn at me. That is a blind curve at that intersection and I implore all drivers to slow down and look for pedestrians!”
Jill McM. responded: “I never walk across Del Webb or any other larger road. Partly due to fear of drivers like that one.” Sharon C. shared this: “I cross there almost every day to go to the lake and it is a terrible crossing. I worry every time I cross!” Bernadette C. added: “That is why we quit walking our dog to the lake and drove her there.” Marena G. added this: “That’s a fun crossing any time of day! Increases your cardio to make it across alive”

There is a pattern of carelessness on the streets of Sun City Huntley. It matters not if the motorists are Sun City residents or folks passing through to avoid the congestion on Main Street or Route 47. Sun City is an Active Adult Community. We walk our dogs, walk for our health, we jog and ride our bicycles on, or across the streets and boulevards of our community. We want to feel safe.
The Village of Huntley announced the opening of an Amazon distribution center on Freeman Road. It is proposed to employ 1,000 workers and have space for 700 truck docks. We can surely expect an increase in traffic through our community as these motorists use our streets to avoid area congestion.
The residents of Sun City are concerned. Walkers & Bicyclists for a Safer Community is attempting to address these and other issues that are endangering the Active Adults and everyone that use the streets and sidewalks of Sun City. The jobs will be great. We encourage the Village to keep us safe. We encourage the Board to get involved. We encourage the residents of Sun City to heed this call for action. WBSC has a petition asking for your support.
Here is the link. Or contact us at wbscsig@gmail.com.
John C. Zeller
Co-Chair, Walkers & Bicyclists for a Safer Community