Tennis players everywhere have felt the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. But according to an annual study commissioned by the Physical Activity Council, tennis has also boomed during the pandemic with an estimated 21.64 million Americans picking up a racquet in 2020, up 22.4 percent after several years of stagnant participation. In a sense, there’s no real surprise that tennis stood to benefit more than other sports from COVID-19 because it’s played outdoors and doesn’t require people to be within six feet of each other.

Sun City resident and tennis pro Mike Grantham (left) will be joined by other pros, such as Mark Exner (right) at the tennis club this year to teach lessons and encourage fellowship. (Photo by Christine Such/My Sun Day News)
Mike Grantham, Sun City Resident, is bringing exciting opportunities to residents and members of Tall Oaks Tennis Club who are getting back on the court. Grantham, along with three other pros, Dave Tatosian, Mark Kay, and Mark Exner, will be offering lessons, and drills and introducing travel tennis to players of all levels.
Grantham said, “With the combination of the efforts from all four of us we hope to build a successful tennis program and have a great time.”
Grantham has teaching certifications, and work experience in teaching, and as a player, he has ranked nationally as #26 in 45 Singles and #12 in 45 Doubles. He has also ranked #1 in Northern Illinois in 35 and 45 Singles.
Grantham said, “I hope to generate energy and interest at all levels to play some USTA competitive tennis. We would travel to different tennis venues and enjoy great tennis.”
Grantham said, “I have a triple ‘F’ philosophy. Fun: learn and compete while having fun in a safe environment. Friendly: develop relationships that last on and off the tennis court. And frequent: provide a variety of playing and teaching opportunities to help and improve tennis skills and fitness.”
The benefits of tennis for the elderly are plentiful. Tennis improves the player’s upper body strength and reduces the percentage of body fat.
Mare Roccosanto, Vice President of the tennis club, said, “We are very excited to have Mike as our tennis pro this year. Mike has something for everyone. If you are an early riser, he has some programs that begin at 7 a.m. He is implementing new and exciting lesson programs for regular tennis and our Masters, easy tennis. He is also starting a training program for current tennis members, both men, and women, who are interested in competing on a USTA travel team representing Sun City Huntley. The goal is to have this team compete against other clubs at their facilities and be able to play host and showcase our beautiful facility.”
Anyone wishing to join the Tennis club can contact Robin Chambers for information at Pat Cox, tennis lessons and travel tennis contact, is excited to be working with the new pros.
“Please email me if you are interested in being part of the travel team. All levels are needed,” Cox said. Cox can be reached at You can check the club’s website for UpToDate information.