I took great umbrage to Joan Davis’s recent accusation issued under the guise of patriotism. She stated President Trump and far right extremist committed a criminal conspiracy … for election sabotage that culminated on the deadly attack on our country on January 6.
Let’s clarify some statements: Trump has very little control over far-right extremists, just as the democratic party has little control over Antifa and Black Lives Matter who injured thousands of police officers while hundreds of millions of dollars of property was destroyed and dozens of people actually lost their lives.
After one-thousand witnesses and over 140,000 pages of testimony, no criminal conspiracy has been found by the Pelosi hearings. No evidence has been presented to the Grand Jury, nor any federal agencies for criminal review. This show trial called a Congressional hearing is simply focused on destroying Trump’s character and preventing him from running for the presidency in 2024.
Mrs. Davis stated that Pelosi’s committee has been factual and nonpartisan. She declared the evidence was displayed with “undeniable clarity.”
First of all, the committee is unquestionably partisan with two Trump-hating republicans on the committee. Nancy Pelosi refused to allow the normal seating of equal amounts of republicans and democrats. She also handpicked the only republicans to serve at her call and beckoning.
Secondly, the “undeniable clear” facts that have been presented are second and third hand hearsay by self-aggrandizing individuals who have no personal knowledge of incidents they testified to. Recent testimony from an aid was debunked as fictious by secret servicemen who were protecting President Trump at the times the phony incidents were said to have occurred. They are willing to testify under oath, but have yet to be called. Why?
Thirdly, there are thousands of hours of video tape that Nancy Pelosi refuses to release for public viewing. Some video tape serendipitously located and released showed Capital Police Officers allowing demonstrators peacefully into the Capital and assisting unidentified persons out of the Capital Building using lesser-known exits. Why?
Mrs. Davis then opined that Trump and his “GOP henchmen were going to pull off the coup.” Does anyone really believe that a couple thousand demonstrators, sans lethal weapons, are going to defeat a United States Military composed of millions of heavily armed and highly trained troops? Also, days earlier, President Trump offered Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, (who has authority over the Capital Police Force,) SIX thousand National Guard troops to protect the Capital Building. With the intelligence at hand, why did Nancy Pelosi refuse this 0ffer of protection?
Mrs. Davis once again errored when she stated that “this violent coup attempt cost multiple lives.” A single person lost their life during this confrontation. She was an unarmed retired female air force veteran who was shot and killed by a Capital Police Lieutenant. This is the same officer who once allegedly forgot his sidearm in a washroom in the Capital Building. And, a similar shooting in any metropolitan police department would have concluded in the shooting being deemed unjustifiable use of deadly force and the officer would have been criminally charged.
The only portion of Joan Davis’s article I agree with, is when she stated that we the people must support an investigation into the incident on January 6.
I welcome a public adversarial style hearing mimicking a trial where all sides are allowed to present evidence, cross examine witnesses under oath, and follow the rule of law.
I also welcome an in-depth federal investigation into hundreds/thousands of voter fraud charges.
I would also welcome the same scrutiny into the much more violent riots of 2020-21.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. Let’s try and ignore politics and find equal justice. Investigations must be nonpartisan and equally fair to both Republicans and Democrats.
Larry Casey
Retired Chicago Police Sergeant and
Retired Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice