Marilyn Berendt and her husband Bill have collectively volunteered for over 40 years in the Sun City community. Both were elected to a position on the Sun City Board of Directors to represent the residents. Berendt said, “Bill left the board on December 31, 2016, and I took a position on the board on January 1, 2017.”
Berendt served on the board for six years, serving her last year as the President of the Sun City Board, which ended on December 31, 2022.
Does she miss being on the board?
Berendt said, “There are some things I miss, like knowing what the issues are and what going on in the community. I do not miss the overwhelming number of daily emails I received.”
What was her favorite moment serving on the board?
Berendt said, “It was a thrill to be elected to the position and to take my place on the all-male board with confidence that I had the skills and knowledge to do the job well. I felt I came with the sense of what residents wanted; I had been a Neighborhood Advisory Council member for 12 years.”
Although she has retired, Berendt hasn’t stopped moving.
“I am still volunteering and always will,” she said. “I can give more time to Senior Care Volunteer Network (SCVN). I have been volunteering there for 5 years, providing transportation, delivering meals and food boxes, and birthday flowers. I also interview new people who need help and assist them through the necessary paperwork.”
SCVN focuses on the needs of America’s seniors. Their website states, “the not-for-profit’s mission has been to help adults ages 60 and better maintain their independence, dignity, and quality of life by remaining in their own homes or the home of a loved one for as long as possible.”
Berendt said, “I think it is important to volunteer. My whole life has been geared toward volunteerism. Helping others provides me with an inner sense of accomplishment. My mother says I knew I wanted to be a nurse since I was two years old. I thrive on helping and I feel I get more than I give, and I am blessed to be able to do so.”
Berendt made a career as an oncology-certified nurse while volunteering for the American Cancer Society. Her deep knowledge of cancer care was shared through lectures throughout communities and through her contributions to medical textbooks on the subject. Her volunteer work earned her recognition as the local American Cancer Society “Volunteer of The Year” Award in 1985. Her knowledge and skills are still in demand as she serves as a Consultant for the Ann & Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.
In her time off, Berendt does find ways to relax.
Berendt said, “I am enjoying the benefits of the community more. I am in the Golf Club and in a Golf League. I am taking classes offered, like yoga and gardening. I do machine embroidery, and we love to entertain. I enjoy doing tablescapes for our meal presentations, while Bill cooks. But most of all I am enjoying time with my 10-year-old granddaughter, Lily. We work on projects together. Currently, working on reproducing an engagement picture of my grandson and his fiancé. It is gem art and we plan on giving it to the couple as a wedding gift.”
Berendt has two grown grandchildren and two great-grandchildren but they do not live close.
Berendt’s days are still filled with many hours of SCCAH volunteerism. She is on the Sun City Election Committee, and serves as a Neighborhood Committee member, Neighborhood Watch coordinator and, participates on the N01/10A social committees She is also a member of the Garden Club and is on the Committee for choosing the recipients of scholarships offered by the club.
It can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering can be enormous. Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you. Giving to others can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose.
Berendt said, “Giving in even simple ways, paying it forward, can help those in need and improve your own health and happiness.”

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