According to the September 7 edition of the My Sun Day News candidate article, it’s as if I never left the Sun City Board. But I did. On the first day of spring, 2022.
And now I’m a Sun City Board candidate. But not as an incumbent, as mistakenly reported in the edition.
Last month, I sent reporter Steve Peterson my campaign handout in response to his election survey. I believed it covered all of his questions except immediate family.
The campaign handout includes: “SCH Board Member – Winter 2022.”
That was obviously misinterpreted to mean incumbency, and the reporter was immediately notified of the need for correction.
As a mislabeled incumbent, I was stated to be “representing N24.” If I become a Board member, I will be representing the entire Association, not just my home neighborhood.
Board members are duty-bound and pledge to act in the best interests of our entire community, not personal loyalties or preferences. That is why recusal should be rare when community issues overlap personal affiliations.
My career as an attorney and Guardian ad Litem, and volunteer background in leadership positions, prepares me to objectively identify and further community best interests.
For more about my Board departure after Winter 2022, please see my candidate video on the Sun City website.
In fact, please watch all the candidate videos and read the candidate profiles/applications to make the most informed choices.
As Board president Russ Howard stated in the current Lifestyles: “Analyze each candidate’s words carefully. Who would you want to be a fiduciary or guardian of your entire Del webb association?”
Most of all, thank you for voting next month in this important Board election.
Barry Newman
Sun City resident