HUNTLEY — Back in January 2004, the Village of Huntley approved a boundary agreement with the Village of Gilberts.
According to the Jan. 11 Village Board meeting agenda packet, the agreement established the jurisdictional boundary for both planning and annexation purposes with it set to expire in 20 years.

Boundary line agreement between the Village of Huntley and the Village of Gilberts. (Photo provided)
At the Dec. 7, 2023, Village Board meeting, Huntley Village Manager Dave Johnson told trustees that the original agreement approved in 2004 between the two villages was due to expire in 2024. Johnson added that he had been in communication with the village administrator for Gilberts about renewing the boundary agreement for another 20-year term. Through those discussions, Johnson stated that the Village of Gilberts had no proposed changes on its end for the new agreement.
On Dec. 5, 2023, The Village of Gilberts Board of Trustees approved the new agreement with similar terms and boundary lines as those established back in 2004.
The Illinois Municipal Code authorizes municipalities to enter into boundary line agreements if an unincorporated territory is within one and one-half miles of the boundaries of two or more corporate authorities that have adopted official plans. That is the case with Gilberts and Huntley leading for the need for an agreement.
The agenda packet further states that Gilberts and Huntley jointly recognize the value of establishing jurisdictional boundaries between their respective municipalities to plan effectively and efficiently for the growth and potential development between their municipalities and the conservation of available resources for their respective residents.
Mayor Tim Hoeft asked trustees if there were any questions regarding the new 20-year term agreement. With no one on the board having any comments or concerns, a motion was made to pass the new agreement. The motion was passed unanimously.