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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Political Place: July 11, 2024

By My Sunday News

Following one bombed debate, and as the media exercises their megaphones to the public, about Biden’s candidacy, while appearing blind to the lies of the felon he is running against, voters need to focus their attention on the threat to our democracy.

Over the last forty years, Republicans have focused on the disintegration of the American system of government. Once they were patriots. pledged to conservatism and small government. No longer, they are now willing to give taxpaid money to the wealthy and corporations. Using the Supreme Court, where they have placed judges of their own political thinking, and those currently seated in congress, to manipulate and clog the mechanisms of our republic. They no longer want a small government, they want it dismantled, entirely. They have chosen a felon, a convicted sex offender, a criminal, to follow. The stench of today’s Republican decay is exposed in their Project 2025 document, which they proudly display on the Internet.

In little less than four years Biden has turned America around and its economic recovery is the envy of the world. Biden’s policies are praised by sixteen Pulitzer Prize winning economists who reported that Trump’s “plans would reignite inflation and cause lasting harm to the global economy if he wins in November.”

In 2024, think about the candidates, every time you cast your powerful vote. Are they supporting a felon, or will they support the issues that you care about? There is only one choice in the next election, those who follow a felon or men and women willing to work for you.

Gail Talbot
Sun City resident

I very much look forward to reading The My Sun Day News. However, I was dismayed by the latest edition. The Sunday is a community paper. It is by and for our neighbors.

The politics of our country are diverse as is the thoughts, beliefs, and political affiliation of our neighbors.

Having diversity in thought is what defines democracy. We want people with different ideas. Look at any country that only has one choice and I would think you would always choose our way.

That being said I would ask that if you write about politics, please do so in a positive way. If you want to say how your political party helps our country. That is great and encouraging. But when you try to tell us what is wrong with the party we subscribe to, that is insulting and hurtful to your neighbors.

Please be polite and stop saying how wrong one side is. Explaining how helpful to society your side is, that is much more helpful. It also feels like more informed information.

The great thing about having an opinion is that there is no right or wrong. So please stop the divisive rhetoric. Explain and share the good. You might actually give a reader something to think about, instead of blaming them for their choice.

Being positive brings people closer together, even if they don’t agree. Being negative has never changed someone’s mind.

Mostly please respect others’ opinions. Please accept the results. Please be peaceful. That will help us all.

Jeri Heap
Sun City resident

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