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Ask an Angel: September 19, 2024

By Arlene Petersen

Q. I’m reaching out because I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed and could use some guidance on how best to support my mom as she navigates the challenges of aging, particularly her increasing anxiety.

Mom is in her late 70s now, and while she’s always been incredibly independent and strong-willed, I’ve noticed a significant shift in her emotional well-being recently. She seems more anxious and restless, and it’s starting to affect her daily life. Small things that never used to bother her now seem to cause her a lot of stress, and I’m at a loss about how to help her through this.

I understand that aging brings a whole new set of challenges, and I’m sure this anxiety is a natural part of that process. However, I’m concerned about how this is impacting her quality of life and our relationship. I want to be supportive and provide her with the comfort and reassurance she needs, but I’m not always sure of the best approach.

Do you have any advice on how to address her anxiety in a compassionate and effective way? Are there specific strategies or resources that could help her manage her anxiety better?

A. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns about your mom. It’s clear from your letter how deeply you care about her well-being, and your desire to support her through this challenging time is truly admirable.

Aging can indeed bring a complex mix of emotions and anxieties, and it’s not uncommon for older adults to experience increased stress and unease as they face changes in their health, independence, and lifestyle. Here are a few suggestions that might help both you and your mom navigate this period more smoothly.

Encourage your mom to seek professional support. Sometimes, the best way to address anxiety is with professional help. Consider suggesting that your mom speaks with a therapist or counselor who specializes in geriatric mental health. They can provide strategies to manage anxiety and offer a safe space for her to express her feelings.

Next, help your mom develop healthy routines. Establishing a daily routine can provide structure and a sense of stability. Encourage activities that your mom enjoys, and that can help distract her from anxiety. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are also important for mental health.

Another suggestion is to foster open communication. Let your mom know that you’re there for her and that it’s okay to share her fears and concerns. Sometimes just having someone to talk to can alleviate a lot of anxiety.

Help your mom explore relaxation techniques. Mindfulness, meditation, and breathing exercises can be helpful for managing anxiety. You might explore these together or help her find local classes or online resources.

Encourage your mom to stay socially connected. Isolation can worsen anxiety. Encourage your mom to stay connected with friends and family or get involved in community activities or support groups if she’s open to it.

Lastly, stay informed. Educate yourself about the common emotional challenges associated with aging. Understanding what she’s going through might make it easier for you to provide the right kind of support.

Navigating this phase with empathy and patience will make a significant difference. Your mom is lucky to have you by her side, and your proactive approach to her well-being is commendable.

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