130 million Americans swallow, inject, inhale, infuse, and spray on prescribed medications every month. They buy more than any country in the world. The number of prescriptions has increased by 2/3’s over the past decade to 3.5 billion yearly. Rising ranks of doctors, researchers, and public health experts say that Americans are overmedicating themselves.
125,000 Americans die from drug reactions and mistakes each year. Pharmaceuticals are the 4th leading cause of death after heart disease, cancer, and stroke. There are $250 billion of sales–$850 for every American. What the drug companies are now doing is promoting drugs for long-term use to essentially healthy people. By lowering levels on what used to be normal blood readings, they are making more of us sick. ALL DRUGS ARE POISONOUS!
We have fallen from Hippocrates, the father of medicine, “Let your food be your medicine.” And Thomas Edison’s wise words, “The doctor of the future will use no medicine but instead will interest his patients in the care of the human frame in diet and cause and prevention of disease.”
Join our classes and learn how to become A HEALTHIER YOU!
We are now registering for classes in July on” A Healthier You” held at the Citizens Bank from 9:30 to 11:30 Wednesdays. Dates are July 11, 18, 25, and August 1. Classes are free but registration necessary. Call 847 659-1295. As soon as this class is completed we will start another identical session on August 8, 15, 22, and 29. If you have to miss a July session, you can always make it up in August.