September 8, 2016
I called my husband last Thursday afternoon and vented about a pattern of behavior that I had noticed in our son. While our son is innately the most caring, kind, and funny person I know (except his father of course), he had developed a pattern of behavior that needed to be addressed.
My sister and I disagree on how to care for mom. She lives out of state, and I am here, and involved in her day-to-day care. Since the care falls on my shoulders most of the time, I find myself feeling overwhelmed and resentful.
The hose faucet in the garage leaks and leaves water puddles on the garage floor. Is there any easy way to fix it or do I have to call a plumber?
As previously mentioned, the Huntley Library has hundreds of cookbooks. This one, from the NEW shelf, caught my eye because of the colorful cover, its Sports Illustrated connection, plus a mixture of simple recipes with short, interesting ballpark factoids.
To begin, kudos to Casting Directors Nikki Barrett and Francine Maisler for gathering together a superb cast. The movie stars two-time Oscar nominee Michael Fassbender, Oscar winner Alicia Vikander (The Danish Girl), and Oscar winner Rachel Weisz (The Constant Gardner), all of whom lived up to their reputations.
Americans don’t seem to be as crafty as they used to be, do they?
This year we have accumulated quite a bit of mold on the siding on the shady side of the house. What is the best way to remove it?
It’s hard to know where to begin, but I can tell you I spent half the time playing solitaire on my smart phone while I suffered through this debacle. Since there was no one within 50 feet of me, it didn’t annoy anybody.
My daughter Mary and I decided to set aside a day to spend together before she went to college. Neither of us wanted to choose what to do on that day. I wanted to do whatever Mary wanted to do and she wanted to do whatever I wanted to do. We went back and forth about this for a few days, until I caved in.
Is Nat’s on Maple a new infestation for Maple trees in Sycamore? No, it is a restaurant in their quaint downtown area. How do we find these out of the way restaurants you ask? All right you twisted our arm so we’ll tell you.
My dad fights us when we suggest he take a bath. He has memory issues, but it doing pretty good in many areas of his life. His hygiene, however, is a problem and is getting embarrassing. How can I get him to shower?
As we all know, Tibet has mountains and most of the country is at a much, much higher altitude than Chicago. Where smog might have been an issue in China, just getting oxygen may be an issue in Tibet. While it won’t be on your schedule, you may feel like you are climbing Everest itself.
I went to see this movie for two reasons. Principally, because I love Viggo Mortenson, one of the best and most underappreciated actors on the big screen. Of the many films he has made, his roles as Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Frank Hopkins in the unforgettable movie Hidalgo, are his best works. The second reason is I read a brief summary of the storyline and it sounded like something worth seeing.
Some twenty years ago, when our kids were grown and my wife and I determined that our family had finally grown out of the hand-to-mouth stage, we decided that with a bit more hand-to-mouth sacrifice we could afford to splurge on buying a vacation property.
We are residents of Sun City and I have a problem with the original 911 Light Switch. You have indicated in a previous article that Pass & Seymour have a replacement model. Before going that route, my problem is I just placed six, 4 watt LED blubs in the out outside fixtures. These are dimmer type but not used for the purpose of dimming.
For several hours a week, I work at the Huntley Library re-shelving items. During this process, opportunity presents itself for me to peruse materials I’d not see while looking on my own. Very often I say to myself, oh, that looks interesting … and then I keep it or jot down the info. I’ll share some with you that pique my interest.
It is often said that hydrangeas are not only one of the best-loved garden plants but also the most understood. Although, I think trial and error is sometimes a better way to learn about gardening, here are a few insights into the broad category of plants called hydrangeas.
Back in our archives is a restaurant we frequently visited for Japanese cuisine named Rice Fusion Sushi in the Algonquin Commons. Sometimes, restaurants let their guard down and before long they are out of business. Such was the case with Rice Fusion Sushi.
I have noticed that my father has been accumulating a lot of “stuff” in his house. I was not concerned about it, but at my last visit to his home, I was somewhat alarmed as I saw the house in disarray. How do I encourage him to get rid of the clutter?
It’s never comfortable standing in a long checkout line, but this one was more uncomfortable than most.
If you like action galore, sensational special and visual effects, and an enduring story line, this movie is for you.
My once vibrant husband has been showing increased signs of memory loss. I am heartbroken, and sometimes feel guilty because my patience wears thin, especially when he repeats the same questions. How can I deal with the repetitive behavior calmly?
For most people, going to a courthouse ranks right up there with getting a colonoscopy or having a root canal. Fortunately, the Woodstock Courthouse has been transformed and the lower portion is now a restaurant called the Public House of Woodstock.
There is photocell at the bottom of your garage door to protect your grandchildren from being hit by a closing garage door. Whenever you actuate the garage door opener to close your garage door, a small light mounted on the track about four inches from the floor turns on and shines across the door opening toward a photocell mounted on the track on the opposite side at the same height. If something blocks the light from hitting the photocell, the door opener immediately stops.
Six thousand, five hundred, and seventy days have passed with only 28 more to go. The questions creep into my mind at all hours of the day and night. They range from the somewhat inconsequential in today’s society, (‘Does she know how to iron?’) to the abstract (‘How will our family structure be affected as we all feel the loss?’), to the very serious, (‘Have I emphasized strongly enough that she needs to guard her drink at social events?’).
It was a few minutes past two in the afternoon when the smoke alarm went off. And then the next alarm, and the next, until all five alarms in the house were screaming. I leaped to my feet and almost stepped on the dog, who was also leaping to her feet at the time. She looked at me with an accusatory glance, as if all the noise was my fault. But I knew better.
It was a few minutes past two in the afternoon when the smoke alarm went off. And then the next alarm, and the next, until all five alarms in the house were screaming.
I leaped to my feet and almost stepped on the dog, who was also leaping to her feet at the time. She looked at me with an accusatory glance, as if all the noise was my fault. But I knew better.
It is important to use a variety of animal repellent products. What works in someone else’s yard, may not work in yours. What works in your yard for a while, may stop working if the rabbits get used to it.
On the NEW bookshelves is a non-fiction item that appeals to me because it has (as you can tell from the title) many pictures and not too much text. I used to tell my high school students that an easy way to keep up with current events, so as not to appear totally ignorant, was to browse through a weekly news magazine and look at the pictures, and read the captions.
We’ve all seen multiple pictures of the various wonders of China, but visiting and seeing it for yourself is different; the “touch and feel” makes it a definite lasting memory.
The plating on the door handles on several of the doors in my house has worn off and they look bad. It is worst on the outside of the room. I would like to take the new looking ones on the inside of the closet doors and swap them with the worn ones, but I don’t know how to do this.