A restaurant’s life is a very complicated one. It has its ups and downs, highs and lows, with new owners or management in control. Years ago, we loved a nearby Mexican restaurant, but as time went by, it fell out of favor. We recently received a letter bragging how good it was, so we decided after 26 years to give it a visit once again. We are referring to El Molino Mexican Restaurant in Carpentersville.
On March 19, St. Mary’s hosted a St. Joseph table celebration.
This week I made spanakopita for the first time. It is a savory spinach pie consisting of spinach, feta cheese, egg, and fresh herbs, surrounded by flaky layers of phyllo dough. I love it.
Given the choice, I will always choose a spanakopita appetizer or entree at a restaurant or party.
I’m writing to you because I’m concerned about my dad’s coffee consumption. He drinks several cups of coffee throughout the day, and I worry that it’s hurting his health.
Letters for the week of April 20.
Richard Christie, a Sun City resident, always wanted to be a Marine. “I enlisted at the age of 17 and was sent to boot camp in San Diego. It was the first time I had left North Dakota, my home,” he said. Christie’s fellow Marines in the camp were all from California, and he was the youngest. He finished Boot camp and was sent to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, which has found itself in the news recently.
Richard Christie, a Sun City resident, always wanted to be a Marine.
“I enlisted at the age of 17 and was sent to boot camp in San Diego. It was the first time I had left North Dakota, my home,” he said.
Christie’s fellow Marines in the camp were all from California, and he was the youngest. He finished Boot camp and was sent to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, which has found itself in the news recently.
I may have mentioned before in this column about my love of true-crime shows and podcasts. I enjoy hearing about the evidence, the motives, the sometimes arbitrary clue that will reveal itself by chance, leading to some top-shelf detective work. All of this, plus the final swift arm of justice that comes down on the perpetrator, are all satisfying parts of these shows.
In case you missed this recent news item, publishers of a textbook used in Florida have removed all mention as to why Rosa Parks was told to leave her seat at the front of the bus and go to the back on December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama. In other states, students attending institutions of genuine education learn that the reason was that she was… Well, I can’t tell you why she was ordered to change seats, because as I write this, I am in the Free State of Florida, as the governor calls it without a hint of irony.
In case you missed this recent news item, publishers of a textbook used in Florida have removed all mention as to why Rosa Parks was told to leave her seat at the front of the bus and go to the back on December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama. In other states, students attending institutions of genuine education learn that the reason was that she was…
Well, I can’t tell you why she was ordered to change seats, because as I write this, I am in the Free State of Florida, as the governor calls it without a hint of irony.
We can all HOPE for outdoor temperatures to indicate an early Spring this year. This is the meaning of HOPE that something will happen, as we usually have a good reason to think that it might. Sometimes, however, the HOPEFUL situation may seem more unlikely to occur.
The Huntley Area Lions Club traces its history for more than 20 years as being part of the Huntley community since its days as the Lions of Sun City. The civic group now has about 45 members. Lions Club current Co-President Mary Meyer explained some of the main projects.
The Huntley Area Lions Club traces its history for more than 20 years as being part of the Huntley community since its days as the Lions of Sun City. The civic group now has about 45 members.
Lions Club current Co-President Mary Meyer explained some of the main projects.
Tennis can be played at any age and it is great for physical and mental health. According to Tennis Industry Association, U.S. tennis participation grew by 1 million players in 2022 with more than 23.6 million playing the sport–the third consecutive year that the sport has seen an increase. Since the start of 2020, tennis has seen an increase of 5.9 million, or 33 percent, since the start of 2020.
Once upon a time, the Dining Duo received a recommendation from one of their loyal readers requesting us to review a specific restaurant. Honestly, we have never heard of the restaurant he requested. Nancy added it to our long list of potential articles. Not being in the mood for anything ethnic, we decided to give this good old fashioned family restaurant a try.
True crime as a genre is having a bit of a moment. It isn’t as if this form of entertainment ever really goes away. But the tidal wave is hitting its crest. Netflix’s Dahmer seems to be a tipping point in terms of wondering where the line is in terms of exploiting murderers as entertainment while dragging victims’ families through the mud. Can we talk about horrifying real topics with double digit body counts without feeling exploited. Enter Hulu’s Boston Strangler.
On March 7, Sun City residents turned out in droves for the annual Charter Club Expo where club members were eager to show off the unique features of their clubs.
The Sun City Community Association of Huntley, Inc., hosted a Consumer Showcase event March 23, at Prairie Lodge.
Letters for the week of April 6.
Marilyn Berendt and her husband Bill have collectively volunteered for over 40 years in the Sun City community. Both were elected to a position on the Sun City Board of Directors to represent the residents. Berendt said, “Bill left the board on December 31, 2016, and I took a position on the board on January 1, 2017.” Berendt served on the board for six years, serving her last year as the President of the Sun City Board, which ended on December 31, 2022.
Marilyn Berendt and her husband Bill have collectively volunteered for over 40 years in the Sun City community. Both were elected to a position on the Sun City Board of Directors to represent the residents. Berendt said, “Bill left the board on December 31, 2016, and I took a position on the board on January 1, 2017.”
Berendt served on the board for six years, serving her last year as the President of the Sun City Board, which ended on December 31, 2022.
Proper nutrition is vital for good health no matter how old we are. However, cooking meals from scratch every day can be difficult for anyone, and senior citizen meal planning needs to ensure that nutritional needs are met. Sun City residents do have alternatives to making that meal every day. Just minutes from their front door, residents can take advantage of various dining options, including meal prep kits delivered to their door.
Proper nutrition is vital for good health no matter how old we are. However, cooking meals from scratch every day can be difficult for anyone, and senior citizen meal planning needs to ensure that nutritional needs are met.
Sun City residents do have alternatives to making that meal every day. Just minutes from their front door, residents can take advantage of various dining options, including meal prep kits delivered to their door.
A couple weeks ago I was in the tiny town of Goodland, at the eastern tip of Marco Island in Southwest Florida. Goodland is a quirky little town, and you never know what oddball adventure you’ll encounter there. And this visit didn’t disappoint. It was a Saturday, and a small art fair and music festival was under way. I strolled past the booths of ceramics, paintings, and nature photography as John Prine lyrics echoed through the park. Savory scents of burgers and brats wafted on the air, and I ambled down to a small aluminum floating pier rocking in the salty backwaters between the mangroves and sea grapes.
A couple weeks ago I was in the tiny town of Goodland, at the eastern tip of Marco Island in Southwest Florida. Goodland is a quirky little town, and you never know what oddball adventure you’ll encounter there. And this visit didn’t disappoint.
It was a Saturday, and a small art fair and music festival was under way. I strolled past the booths of ceramics, paintings, and nature photography as John Prine lyrics echoed through the park. Savory scents of burgers and brats wafted on the air, and I ambled down to a small aluminum floating pier rocking in the salty backwaters between the mangroves and sea grapes.
The Theatre Company of Sun City will present Nine to Five as their spring musical production. The show, written by Patricia Resnick, features original music written by Dolly Parton, most notably the title song, which has remained an anthem for working people just ‘trying to earn a living.’ The song hit the top of the charts in the early 80s and garnered a People’s Choice Award and two Grammys for Parton.
A Google search reveals the history of HOPE: “It’s a powerful word that inspires millions of people in many different languages. HOPE has moved people out of untenable (unbelievably horrible) situations into better lives, and has helped humans stay alive long enough to figure out how to thrive. HOPE is huge.”
QUESTION: What has six pockets, rubber bumpers and is covered in green felt? ANSWER: Pool tables destined for the Sun City Cue Club.
QUESTION: What has six pockets, rubber bumpers and is covered in green felt?
ANSWER: Pool tables destined for the Sun City Cue Club.
There are times as a critic when media that is currently available is subpar. In lulls, you just have to wade through it and hope for the best. As much as the public might think that we just love to eviscerate, it is just soul-crushing as you see wasted potential. These all can’t be award winners though.
Over the years we received quite a few recommendations for restaurants to review. The one that keeps popping up is an unassuming cafe on Route 20. We must admit we have driven past this café numerous times, but never gave it a second thought. People have told us over and over about the broasted chicken, their Friday fish fry, and the German fare, so we finally decided to give Café 20 in Marengo a try.
Recently, Chris, my husband, and I enjoyed breakfast at a new restaurant: Maple and Hash in Pingree Grove. While the food was delicious, what I liked even more was that it felt like we were experiencing a new trend in dining. The exposed beam ceilings, painted farm silhouettes, and a coffee bar were all beautiful and welcoming. For an hour or so on a Saturday morning we were part of a refreshing change.
Every household probably has a go-to meal they whip up when there’s “no food in the house.” Maybe for you it’s a pb&j. A bowl of cereal can be nice. Some pasta with a little olive oil, garlic, and lemon, perhaps?
Letters for the week of March 23.
Note: The views expressed in these political submissions do not reflect those of the Sun Day, its staff, or those associated to the Sun Day.
Many heartfelt thank-yous highlighted a Huntley Fire Protection District gathering. Sun City resident Dennis Wolff thanked Huntley Fire Protection District members, 911 dispatchers and Huntley Police Officers for teaming together to save his life. Wolff, 79, was walking at the Del Webb Fitness Center Dec. 6, 2022, when two retired nurses, Barb Verdich and Nancy Parente, noticed something was wrong. Wolff had suffered a cardiac arrest. But the two retired nurses quickly assisted Wolff with administering CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) before he was transported to Northwest Medicine Huntley Hospital.
Many heartfelt thank-yous highlighted a Huntley Fire Protection District gathering.
Sun City resident Dennis Wolff thanked Huntley Fire Protection District members, 911 dispatchers and Huntley Police Officers for teaming together to save his life.
Wolff, 79, was walking at the Del Webb Fitness Center Dec. 6, 2022, when two retired nurses, Barb Verdich and Nancy Parente, noticed something was wrong. Wolff had suffered a cardiac arrest. But the two retired nurses quickly assisted Wolff with administering CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) before he was transported to Northwest Medicine Huntley Hospital.
I was a bad student. I graduated high school in the bottom 10% of my class, and were it not for a teacher who gave me a D instead of an F in their class, I would have had to repeat the twelfth grade. I’m not proud of it, but I’ll be honest, to this day I do not care I was a bad student other than harboring a little guilt for the time that some teachers may have wasted on me. Me. Who was constantly told by teachers, “Chris, you’re smart. You just don’t apply yourself.”