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Video gaming in Huntley by the numbers

The Huntley Village board approved video gaming licenses for six new video gaming terminals at the Pinecrest Golf Club. The video gaming terminals would be located in one corner of the restaurant and within the line of sight of the bartenders. The required $500 per machine, or $3,000 total, has been received by the village and deposited. An application for a video gaming operator license was submitted by J&J Ventures Gaming, LLC of Effingham, Illinois.

How to control arthritis and its pain as we age explains that there are more than 100 different types of arthritis. The three main ones being osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Each type may develop differently, but all can cause pain and joint deformity and movement loss. Age, family genes, sex (women have larger numbers of these diseases) often do not allow the prevention of arthritis.