We received an email from Nola telling us about a restaurant she stumbled upon and thought it was a gem. Being the ever-vigilant food critics that we are, we searched the website of the restaurant she recommended. The first item on the menu caught Jim’s eye. Putting our own concerns for our health aside (we will explain shortly), we hopped into the Mini-mobile and sped out, leaving Del Webb in the dust, and headed northwest to the Tavern on Clark in Rockford.
In addition to global warming and climate change with its rising sea levels, Dr. Tim Sanborn of Chicago Life Magazine (Summer 2021) addresses the importance of heart issues resulting from air pollution. Now acknowledged by the American Heart Association and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (along with many other organizations), air pollution has become a dangerous health hazard for heart trouble. More than smoking, obesity, and elevated blood glucose, air pollution is linked to over 3 million worldwide cardiovascular deaths annually. Only hypertension has led to greater cardiovascular mortality.
Having worked in the book business for years, my livelihood has always depended on the guilty pleasure. A piece of fiction (although sometimes non-fiction), where outrageousness and drama are the key draws, really fly off the shelves. The intense salacious fury of it all overtakes readers. Like we all say, sex sells. Books (and film) like “50 Shades” and television shows like “Real Housewives” seem trashy and naughty. Sometimes more literary forms are available. A good beach read is nothing to scoff at. And there is nothing sandier than HBO’s latest craze.
Huntley High School Boys Golf Senior Josh Good at the Crystal Lake South Invite. Good is entering his final year on the boys golf team at HHS.
The ever-active Sun City group, Sew N Sews, has recently launched their latest endeavor. Their newest mission is to contribute to the world-wide foundation, “Dress a Girl.” Since 2006, Dress a Girl has provided new dresses for girls around the World. The goal, as stated on their website, is “We dream of a world in which every girl has at least one new dress.” To date, the organization has delivered over two million dresses to 81 countries. People from the United States, Canada, Uganda, the UK, Philippines, Australia, Sweden, Costa Rica, South Africa, Germany, Norway, Okinawa, Japan, and Hong Kong are making dresses.
The ever-active Sun City group, Sew N Sews, has recently launched their latest endeavor. Their newest mission is to contribute to the world-wide foundation, “Dress a Girl.”
Since 2006, Dress a Girl has provided new dresses for girls around the World. The goal, as stated on their website, is “We dream of a world in which every girl has at least one new dress.” To date, the organization has delivered over two million dresses to 81 countries. People from the United States, Canada, Uganda, the UK, Philippines, Australia, Sweden, Costa Rica, South Africa, Germany, Norway, Okinawa, Japan, and Hong Kong are making dresses.
Throughout the Sun Day’s 11 years, the paper has gone through numerous changes in appearance and a few revamps of its overall look, but the August 26 edition will present the biggest and most noticeable to date when we officially change its name.
All Sun City military veterans are invited to join members of the Sun City Softball team in a Salute to all veterans. Join your fellow Veterans on Eakin Field, home of Sun City Softball, on Saturday, September 11, at 3 p.m.
A Sun City retired Major General hits the pickleball courts just about every day, a hero hiding in plain sight. This is his story.
A Sun City retired Major General hits the pickleball courts just about every day, a hero hiding in plain sight.
This is his story.
The Pickleball Charter Club celebrated a major milestone on August 5 when the club presented a ceremonial check for $11,843 to Sun City Board President Vito Benigno and Executive Director Deanna Loughran to close out a $30,500 debt two years early. The loan was originated on March 1, 2018 and the agreement was to pay it down in five years.
Like a puppy with a sock that won’t let go, residents started the July 28 Sun City Board meeting with comments on Bicycle and Walker’s safety and Amazon truck traffic on Del Webb Blvd. The new wrinkle was the concern of the re-zoning of the property at Route 47 and Dhamer Drive.
Hey, you! It’s August! It’s not that I think you lack the ability to glance at the date on top of the newspaper you’re holding right now. So please don’t be offended that I brought it up. Judging by letters to the editor, some folks get their knickers in a twist over pretty much anything lately.
Hey, you! It’s August!
It’s not that I think you lack the ability to glance at the date on top of the newspaper you’re holding right now. So please don’t be offended that I brought it up. Judging by letters to the editor, some folks get their knickers in a twist over pretty much anything lately.
We begin our tale with our hero: Sir Gawain. Dev Patel has become one of Britain’s finest actors over the past decade. After splashing onto the scene with the BBC show “Skins” and later the Oscar-winning “Slumdog Millionaire,” his boyish impetuosity and endless charm has all been leading here. In many ways, he was born to play this part of a young man destined for great things but unsure of himself in the process.
My husband, Chris and I are contemplating downsizing. To him, a smaller house means less maintenance. For me, our home is like a favorite pair of jeans that is now two sizes too big. What was once occupied by our children and their friends, now consists of closed doors and empty hallways. Our children’s birthday parties were precisely timed fun filled parties that routinely included 30 elementary school children. Those were the days. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, they are past and it may be time to move on.
Nancy’s purse can be compared to a black hole in outer space. What goes in, never comes out, and no one is really sure what’s inside of one. We wanted to go out for lunch but our finances were running low. Nancy said she knew she had gift cards somewhere, so she asked me to check her purse while she was rummaging through the kitchen junk drawer. I ventured forth, and boldly went where no man has gone before, his wife’s purse.
With fully vaccinated people having been saved (for the most part) from the severe illness and death of the Covid-19 virus, scientists are now identifying an array of less serious, but potentially debilitating chronic long-term symptoms of the Covid-19 disease. Now responsible for more than 80% of our country’s rapidly growing caseload of the viral scourge, the Delta variant or mutation is spreading even amongst our largely unvaccinated youth. The new scientific term “Long Covid” refers to symptoms that last for weeks or months beyond infection.
I’m an older adult woman who is having increasingly more bouts of incontinence. I find it rather embarrassing, to the point of declining social invitations. I never know when the urge to go will hit me, so I prefer to stay home near my bathroom. I’ve had to rely more on my children for groceries and other necessities, as I’m afraid I might have an accident while shopping. I understand that incontinence is common in older women, yet I’m tired of this issue interfering with my life.
There is one neighbor along Cold Springs Drive, in Neighborhood 7, that all of the residents seem to know. But this neighbor seems to be a controversial figure. In fact, this “neighbor” seems to be “swamped” with rumor. According to Huntley officials, this neighbor serves a special purpose.
There is one neighbor along Cold Springs Drive, in Neighborhood 7, that all of the residents seem to know. But this neighbor seems to be a controversial figure.
In fact, this “neighbor” seems to be “swamped” with rumor.
According to Huntley officials, this neighbor serves a special purpose.
I’m going to be honest. I never really found Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds very terrifying. I never saw what was so scary about a bunch of birds. They’re birds! Mostly gulls and sparrows. They’re not bats! And then, all at once, my entire opinion on Hitchcock’s classic masterpiece changed.
I’m going to be honest. I never really found Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds very terrifying. I never saw what was so scary about a bunch of birds. They’re birds! Mostly gulls and sparrows. They’re not bats!
And then, all at once, my entire opinion on Hitchcock’s classic masterpiece changed.
August 3 is the 38th annual National Night Out (NNO). According to Jim Uszler, President of the Sun City Neighborhood Watch and one of the coordinators of the event, “It’s the 19th time Sun City has celebrated National Night Out.” According to the National Night Out website, “National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer.”
August 3 is the 38th annual National Night Out (NNO). According to Jim Uszler, President of the Sun City Neighborhood Watch and one of the coordinators of the event, “It’s the 19th time Sun City has celebrated National Night Out.”
According to the National Night Out website, “National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer.”
We don’t usually expect most high school, or even college romances, to turn into long-term relationships, let alone last the rest of our lives. But one Sun City couple has defied the odds. Richard Schimmel first noticed his wife, Sue, at work. They both worked at Chicago Molded Plastic. Sue said, “He kept trying to get me to go out. He kept asking until he succeeded.”
We don’t usually expect most high school, or even college romances, to turn into long-term relationships, let alone last the rest of our lives. But one Sun City couple has defied the odds. Richard Schimmel first noticed his wife, Sue, at work. They both worked at Chicago Molded Plastic.
Sue said, “He kept trying to get me to go out. He kept asking until he succeeded.”
While skimming through the newspaper this morning, I happened to glance at my horoscope, which read: “Focus on practicalities. Chop wood and carry water. Maintain positive cash flow. Minimize waste. Conserve resources and energy.” “Hm-m-m,” I said, because as luck would have it, I had chopped wood and carried water just a few minutes earlier on my way out to get the paper off the drive. (Well, I carried a watering can and sprinkled that pumpkin vine at the back of the yard, and I broke up a fallen branch lying on the lawn, so… yeah, close enough.)
While skimming through the newspaper this morning, I happened to glance at my horoscope, which read: “Focus on practicalities. Chop wood and carry water. Maintain positive cash flow. Minimize waste. Conserve resources and energy.”
“Hm-m-m,” I said, because as luck would have it, I had chopped wood and carried water just a few minutes earlier on my way out to get the paper off the drive. (Well, I carried a watering can and sprinkled that pumpkin vine at the back of the yard, and I broke up a fallen branch lying on the lawn, so… yeah, close enough.)
Jim and I have a long list of perspective restaurants to review, or so we thought. We have learned to always “Google” the restaurant before we show up to make sure they haven’t fallen victim to the COVID-19 fallout. To our dismay, we discovered that restaurant after restaurant was either permanently closed, or only open a very limited number of hours/days.
Our home theater has been the main portal since March 2020. Even with theaters open to now, most filmgoers have forgone multiplexes. Not that there has been much good fare enticing us out of the house. With HBO Max declaring Warner Bros’ entire slate for simultaneous streaming and on the big screen, why bother? Although some you are better off only seeing them at home; “Space Jam: A New Legacy” chief among them. None other than the Marvel Universe is a strong enough reason to get off the couch and buy a ticket, right?
In their article “Covid-19 Antibodies Remain Beneficial,” the Wall Street Journal explains that “Research indicates an enduring level of protection, but variants, like Delta, present risks.” The article’s authors, Brianna Abbott and Stephanie Armour, state that “Infection and inoculation both elicit an immune response against Covid-19 that lasts for months and possibly years, a growing body of research shows, but the power of vaccines against known variants make the shots critical to containing the virus.”
I’m finding myself in a position where I’m caring more for my aging parents, in addition to raising my family. The pandemic seemed to have expatiated the inevitable — my parents needing more help and support. I thought I had a few more years before they would need me so much, which would have given my kids more time to grow up, yet here we are.
Mexican Train Dominoes is the newest Sun City Charter Club. The object of the game is for a player to play all the tiles from his or her hand onto one or more chains, or trains, emanating from a central hub or station. The game’s most popular name comes from a special optional train that belongs to all players.
Mexican Train Dominoes is the newest Sun City Charter Club.
The object of the game is for a player to play all the tiles from his or her hand onto one or more chains, or trains, emanating from a central hub or station. The game’s most popular name comes from a special optional train that belongs to all players.
The investigation into Senate Bill 508 brought up the question of how much property tax money is Sun City paying into District 158. School Districts were major proponents of the new law since property taxes are the primary source of revenue for the schools and revenue shortfalls have a direct impact on the curriculum.
I was watching a Cubs game the other day, a slow-moving duel between two ace pitchers, and while I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
With a stroke of the pen, governor JB Pritzker will change the property tax assessment landscape in the state of Illinois. A vocal opponent to Senate Bill 508, Andrea Raila, a long-time property tax appeals specialist, said in an interview, “If this bill is signed by the governor, it will be the worst property tax shift in decades.”
With a stroke of the pen, governor JB Pritzker will change the property tax assessment landscape in the state of Illinois.
A vocal opponent to Senate Bill 508, Andrea Raila, a long-time property tax appeals specialist, said in an interview, “If this bill is signed by the governor, it will be the worst property tax shift in decades.”
At the village’s June 24 board meeting, Charles Nordman, Huntley’s director of development services, gave a presentation to the village board regarding Huntley Development Limited Partnership (HDLP) in their request for the board to conceptually review a revised proposal for rezoning the properties at both the northwest corners of Route 47 and Jim Dhamer Drive and Freeman Road.